Today, my friends, I'll give you the topic may need days, How shutdown the computer after a certain time This lesson is easy and does not need to programs if you are interested continued video, Will certainly benefit and can shutdown the computer at the time you want Even If you were not in front of your computer
How shutdown the computer after a certain time
1) code
shutdown -s -t 3600
60 minutes x 60 seconds = 3600 = 1 hour
If you want to cancel an order that you've done
shutdown -a
I hope you like the topic and do not forget your comments
hi my friends, today i come in a way know the history of the production of your computer's BIOS, or in other words, "the age of the computer." this way You can find out computer more, Witness video.
How do you know the age of the computer
1 - Click on the start and then choose the run 2- Then type
3 - and then show a black screen, And then type
4- In the last line, type the following statement
To here had finished the lesson I hope everyone's participation and interaction to get the most help
In this issue we'll see something from Dos or orders for the transfer of a simple trick by Dos through which you can learn the history of install Windows in your computer.
Log for DOS by pressing the keyboard button Windows + R letter Exècuter window appears, type cmd into the box and press ok
Then type the following command: systeminfo.exe Then press Enter
Will show a lot of information about your system Including the date and the date of install Windows boot system
Hi Guys, and welcome to a new Tutorial.
Today i will show how to add the Start Menu button to your Windows 8, because we know that one of the most famous Windows 8 problems or disadvantage that he hasen't the Start Menu Button on his Menu Bar, so today i decided to give you the solution it's really easy, and here's the Tutorial that shows you all the steps that you should make it. I hope that you'll like it dear friends.