After a littleteasing, Canonicalhasrevealedits roadmapwithUbuntu,thepopularLinux distribution.Therewill be something forall ...
First presentationonsmartphoneat CES2013
Sotheconfirmation of the arrivalof a new candidatein the highly competitivesmartphone market.Ubuntuforsmartphones,relatively close toAndroidatits core,because it isobviouslylinuxbases,done bythe deadlockagainstJava.Levelcode, developerscan choose betweentheQMLandHTML5to createapplications.The SDK isalreadyavailablefor those who wantto get started.Bycons,it was not until2014that the officialUbuntusmartphonesare marketed.Do not panic,because it will bepossible to installUbuntuon the GalaxyNexusin a few weeks, the smartphoneisthe first thirdmodelofficially supported.
Makea moveortwo!
Ubuntuwill focus ontouch gestures.A shiftfromeach sidewill result ina different action.From lefttohis favoriteapplications, continuingthemoveto the other endof the screento see all theapplicationsfrom the bottomupfor emails, etc....Thesearch enginerecognition systemvoiceservicesandCanonicalareobviouslypart.UbuntuOne MusicStore, themusic,andUbuntuOne,the storage serviceand synchronization,allthese interestingadditionshandyshould providea veryinteresting littlemore ...
Good newsalso,Webtop,which transformsthe phoneto computer byconnecting it to adockwith keyboard andscreen,isalways on the menu.
Agreat news forusers andconsumers, sinceeach new arrival, evenif it does notmeet the expectedsuccess,at leastthe merit ofstimulating competition.Remainsunknown, size: Whathomeoperators toreserve forUbuntu onsmartphones?It is oftenthe ones who makethe rainor shinein the ...
And for thosewho would likethe overall presentation ofCanonical,asmall2-minute videois a must!...
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