Welcome to NewEstr here will Find all new widget and template blogger and Latest News seo and facebook ......
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$(document).ready(function () {
var url_blog = 'YOUR URL HERE', //replace with your Domain
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url: '' + url_blog + '/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results=' + numpostx + '',
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success: function(data) {
var posturl, posttitle, skeleton = '',
entry = data.feed.entry;
if (entry !== undefined) {
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for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j < entry[i].link.length; j++)
if (entry[i].link[j].rel == "alternate")
posturl = entry[i].link[j].href;
} posttitle = entry[i].title.$t;
skeleton += '<li><a href="' + posturl + '" target="_blank">' + posttitle + '</a></li>';
skeleton += '</ul>';
// kode untuk efek pada breaking news
function tick(){
$('#recentpostbreaking li:first').slideUp( function () {
$(this).appendTo($('#recentpostbreaking ul')).slideDown(); });
setInterval(function(){ tick () }, 5000);
} else {
$('#recentpostbreaking').html('<span>No result!</span>');
error: function() {
$('#recentpostbreaking').html('<strong>Error Loading Feed!</strong>');
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<div id='beakingnews'><span class='tulisbreaking'>Breaking
News</span><!-- tag pembuka tempat Breaking News-->
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</div><!-- tag penutup tempat Breaking News-->
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name is full abdelali tibicht, my country is morocco, care techniques and the development of blogging, my goal through this blog, is to help bloggers develop their blogs through my modest experience gained during my career blogging can.