Of the most important things that you must do for your blog to improve their appearance in search sites like Google, Yahoo and Bing they help the emergence of blog by 80%
how to add <meta></tags>
Steps: 1 - Log in toControl Panelblog. 2 -Clickon the designand editingHtml. 3 -Searchfor<head> 4 -Putimmediately afterthefollowingcode:
<meta content='Blog Title' name='title'/> <meta content='A small description of the Blog ' name='description'/> <meta content='The most popular words on your blog' name='keywords'/> <meta content='Name of the writer' name='Author'/> <meta content='E-mail' name='Email'/> <meta content='global' name='distribution'/> <meta content='5 days' name='revisit'/> <meta content='5 days' name='revisit-after'/> <meta content='document' name='resource-type'/> <meta content='all' name='audience'/> <meta content='general' name='rating'/> <meta content='all' name='robots'/> <meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/> <meta content='ar' name='language'/> <meta content='Country' name='country'/> <meta content='blogger' name='generator'/> <meta content='(c) 2012' name='copyright'/>a
name is full abdelali tibicht, my country is morocco, care techniques and the development of blogging, my goal through this blog, is to help bloggers develop their blogs through my modest experience gained during my career blogging can.