Today I will give you a
very nice addition to your blog and frankly I liked this widget a lot.
It is a social networking sites widget on the form of Metro as in
windows 8.
How To Add The Widget To Your Blog
<div class="metro-social"> <li><a class="fb" href="Your Facebook URL here"></a></li> <li><a class="tw" href="Your Twitter URL here"></a></li> <li><a class="gp" href="Your GooGle + URL here"></a></li> <li><a class="fd" href="Your FeedBurner URL here"></a></li> </div> <style> /*Metro UI Social Profile Widget v2.0 by Tech Prevue Labs Web link to gadget code: Distributed under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 INT Please keep license information intact while using this widget*/ .metro-social{width:285px} .metro-social li{position:relative;cursor:pointer;padding:0;list-style:none} .metro-social .fb,.tw,.gp,.fd{z-index:7;float:left;margin:1px;position:relative;display:block} .metro-social .fb{background:url(// no-repeat center center #1f69b3;width:140px;height:141px} .metro-social .tw{background:url(// no-repeat center center #43b3e5;width:140px;height:70px} .metro-social .gp{background:url(// no-repeat center center #da4a38;width:140px;height:69px} .metro-social .fd{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e9a01c;width:282px;height:69px} .metro-social li:hover .fb{background:url(// no-repeat center center #1f69b3} .metro-social li:hover .tw{background:url(// no-repeat center center #43b3e5} .metro-social li:hover .gp{background:url(// no-repeat center center #da4a38} .metro-social li:hover .fd{background:url(// no-repeat center center #e9a01c} </style> <br />
name is full abdelali tibicht, my country is morocco, care techniques and the development of blogging, my goal through this blog, is to help bloggers develop their blogs through my modest experience gained during my career blogging can.