The back ofthephone"BlackBerry"newA10nicknamedthe"Eristoof"leakedinavideoclipon YouTube.
Thevideorevealssome of the featuresand updatesaddedbythecompany'sBlackBerry10series, includingthebiggestscreeninrelationto the company5 inchesandaccurately800X1280andworkson the operating system, "BP10."
It appearsin the video clip, whichdoes not exceedthe 29secondsthatthe new phonewill takephone designto the previousBlackberryZ-10withouttipblack or whitethat comesat the top ofthe device,as it seemsthat one of theofficialsforthe final stages ofmanufacturingis one oftheleakedvideo.
This isnotthe first time thatshows wherethe new phonein the media, where he hadleakedlastweekend,someoftheimagesthatappearphone fromthe front.
Is not detecteduntilnowotherfeaturesAdded bythecompany,butsome of the reportsthatare expected to bedual-coreprocessorandquad-coregraphicsprocessorand8megapixelcameracapable ofvideo captureresolutionof720pixels.
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