That's it!The iPhoneand the iPhone5S5Cwere finallypresented byApple,and the newiOS7at theconferencewhich took placea few minutes agoin Cupertino,California.We now knowthe characteristics oftwo newsmartphones,andhere's to youin detail.
Applefirstintroduced itslow costiPhone,called iPhone5C.The companyannounced thatthis smartphonewill suitfansof the iPhone 5,butit will be morefunand colorful.Indeed, as expected, the iPhone5Cavailablein green, blue, yellow, white and red/ pink.In addition,coloredsiliconeshellswill also beon salesoonand costs$ 29.Sidecharacteristics,low costiPhonehas a4-inchRetinadisplay,anA6processor,and a batterywithgreater autonomythan the iPhone5.The unitwill offer arear8-megapixelcameraandafront-facing cameraFaceTime.Finally,the smartphone ismade frompolycarbonate, with areinforced steelinside.Apple announced thatthe 16GB versionwill be availablein$ 99andthe32GB versionat $199with atwo-year contract.Finally,Applehasdefinedits iPhone5C"Itis remarkablewhen somethingseemsfamiliar, butit isat onceagain.Thisis the iPhone5C"
The giant then presented its long-awaited iPhone 5S, defining it as "the phone most avant-garde that [Apple] has ever created. "As rumors had mentioned, the iPhone 5S will be available in three colors: silver, gold and gray. The battery is more important than the iPhone 5 and provides 10 hours talk time, 8 hours of internet browsing and 250 hours of standby time. The smartphone has a 4-inch Retina display and a 64-bit A7 processor (the first smartphone to have such a processor). The rear camera is 8 megapixels with an opening f2 / 2 wide, dual LED flash and features many photos (optical image stabilization, burst mode of 10 frames per second, and 720p video recording 120 fps). The iPhone 5S supports over LTE bands than any other smartphone in the world. It will be available in 16, 32 or 64 GB of user memory and obviously works under the new iOS7. Finally, Apple has confirmed that the new smartphone is equipped with a fingerprint reader on the home button, covered with a sapphire ring detection stainless steel. As expected, this sensor will unlock the iPhone 5S but will also perform other tasks in applications. With a two-year contract, the iPhone 5S will be sold at $ 199 (16GB), U.S. $ 299 (32GB) and U.S. $ 399 (64GB). Its special cases will they be available for $ 39.
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