BlackBerryis notin great shapeandsupposed toget out of thistorporterminalstill does not seemreadyto arriveon the market.This is obviouslythe BlackBerryZ30withThorstenHeins, CEO ofthe Canadian company, keptsince Marchto praise.Too badsinceitreleased earlierwouldcertainlyavoidthe tough competitionthat awaitsat the endoftheyearfrom Apple,Samsung, Sony,LG, HTCorNokia,all ready tolaunch their newflagship...We saidrude?
While theBlackBerryZ30should havea slightlymore powerful than theZ10processor, and alarger screen.Thereremainsmuchtoback,faceevenNokiaLumia1520with whom heoncefoughtwith equal weapons, powerasideprepared.Anyway, here it isagainfilmedwithout his knowledgeby a4Leakz.This will reassurethose whoare still waiting forits release.
HERE IS AsmallsummaryofKeyFeaturesofBlackBerrysupposedZ30, pourThosewhohave lost theirmemoryleaksWhoSINCEthe laststartdate:
BlackBerry10.2 AMOLEDHD(1280 x 720pixels)5 " Dual-coreQualcomm Snapdragon processor1.7GHz 2GB ofRAM 16GB internalmemory, expandablevia microSD 8-megapixel cameraon the back Webcam2MPfront 4G LTE,NFC 2800mAh
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