Application to organize tasks automatically to Android devices
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sometimesthe user wantstoadjustsome of the commandsexecutedautomaticallyon his phone, butthis featureis not availableinanyotheroperatingsystemyet.
However, the applicationAutomateIt-Automate Your Droidcanadjustthecommandson«Android», withtwo versionsavailablefreeandpaid. Afterdownloadand run the application,show usa windowchoosethemAdd Ruleto adda specific task,such as reducingthe ringing tonein the night, or runa network«Wi-Fi»When you access aspecific locationto beperforming this taskin a timely manner, and enablesapplication alsocreate shortcuts forsome tasks,andassoonasyoupressthe shortcut icon, it isthe command is executedwithoutthe needtoentermore than one placetocarryoutthetask.
Downloadthefreeversionof theapplicationfromtheGooglestore Downloadthepaidversionof the application fromGoogle'sstore
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